01. Project Overview

Project Overview

Book Listing App

Project Overview

This project is a chance for you to combine and practice everything you learned in this section of the Nanodegree program. You will be making an app that lists books.

The goal is to design and create the structure of a Book Listing app which would allow a user to get a list of published books on a given topic. You will be using the google books api in order to fetch results and display them to the user.

Why this project?

In the most recent portion of the Nanodegree program, you learned about the web and about how to get data from an api. You also learned how to parse that data and display it to a user. This project gives you the ability to practice those skills, which will be key in developing any app which makes use of a backend server, real time data, or interactions over the internet.

What will I learn?

This project is about combining various ideas and skills we’ve been practicing throughout the course. They include:

  • Fetching data from an API
  • Using an AsyncTask
  • Parsing a JSON response

* Creating a list based on that data and displaying it to the user.

Note: As the focus of this program is Java, only projects completed with Java as the source code will be accepted. Projects using Kotlin as the source code will not be accepted.